Wednesday Styles

Here’s something that we haven’t done yet here on the TDS Blog, but which used to make a regular appearance on the old TDS Whiteboard back in the day.  It’s an advanced approach, but if you’ve been doing the work you’ve been assigned and practicing your styles diligently, it shouldn’t pose a problem.  Are you ready?  Here it comes.

Primary Style: Bear

Secondary Style: Bear

Not Recommended: Bear

Frobidden: Bear

Do you see why this requires some thinking on your part?  Allow us to explain.  Imagine the Bear in all her/his majesty.  Powerful, yes, but also occasionally timid and sometimes overbearing.  (Get it?  Overbearing?  Ha!)  This may seem like a lark, but it isn’t meant facetiously.  As you practice Bear Style today, consider what aspects of the Bear you’re employing.  You may find this to be a deeply rewarding experience, and one which moves you much further down the road to Crushing It than you may previously have gone.  Good luck, my friends.

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